
To order "Buns In The Oven: Great Recipes For Today's Families", Pam Collacott

Price per book: $23.50  Price includes postage and handling.

Cheque or money order only please, made out to "BRIGHTER FUTURES"

Note: this book can only be ordered from Brighter Futures, Ottawa Young Parents.

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Order Form for Buns in the Oven Cookbook

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Send this form with cheque or money order made out to "Brighter Futures" to:


		780 de l'EGLISE STREET


		K1K 3K7


Order Form for PamCooks 2: More Favourites from the Trillium Cooking School

To order PamCooks 2 from Pam Collacott

Must be ordered separately from The Buns in the Oven Cookbook.

Prices listed include shipping:

1 copy of PamCooks 2........$21.00

2 copies of PamCooks 2.......$39.00

Send this form with Cheque or money order made out to: "Pam Collacott" to:

		Trillium Cooking School

		Box # 152

		North Gower ON

		K0A 2T0

ORDER FORM for PamCooks 2 only (Buns in the Oven cookbook must be ordered separately)

Mailing Address:


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Postal Code: _____________________________

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